About the NYAA

The North York Astronomical Association (NYAA) is an organization of people who like to gather together to "shoot the breeze" about astronomy, tinker with our "toys", and observe when the weather cooperates.
The NYAA was established in 1980, and officially incorporated in 1992. We currently have over 50 members. The club has 2 observing facilities, one a short drive north of Toronto, (Og's Bog) and the other is north of Cobourg (Oak Heights). We pursue (among other things): astrophotography, CCD imaging, camping, comet hunting and observing, deep sky observing, graze gazing, hiking, meteor observing, planet observing, solar observing, supernova searches, telescope making, and variable star observing.
To do that, we organize a wide range of activities designed to assist our members in developing their observing skills. These activities include meetings, group observing sessions, workshops, dark sky camping weekends, and other outings.
At the club's monthly meetings we usually have a feature speaker or a presentation on a topic of interest to amateur astronomers either by an invited guest or by our own members. Please see the events calendar for scheduled meetings, and agendas.
Monthly Dark Sky weekend observing sessions are held (near each new moon) at the Oak Heights NYAA dark sky site. And, every August, the Association's world-class astronomical observing convention, Starfest, is held near Mount Forest, Ontario which is north of Guelph.
The NYAA encourages member participation through meetings, observing sessions, and exploration of all areas of interest in amateur astronomy. When the clouds roll in the Fireball email discussion list keeps members in touch wherever they are, providing a forum for the sharing of ideas and information.

Where We Are
North York (population 300,000) is a part of Metropolitan Toronto (population ~4 million) in the province of Ontario, Canada. We are at ~44 deg. north latitude, ~79 deg. west longitude, in the Eastern Time Zone (UT - 5h) and use daylight savings time (UT - 4h) from April to October.
Joining the NYAA
If joining an astronomy club is of interest to you, come on out to a meeting or two and give the club a try . Chances are good that you will feel right at home in our group of like-minded enthusiasts.
To become a Member of the NYAA, please see our Join the NYAA page.
For more information about the NYAA, please contact us.
Club Vision Statement
- Organize and conduct high quality activities that satisfy the astronomical needs of our members and enhance their enjoyment of the hobby
- Conduct club business in a professional and courteous manner, yet maintain an informal atmosphere
- Establish and maintain a research quality observing facility at oak heights
- Establish and maintain a facility that can be used by the members for all aspects of telescope making
- Establish and maintain a facility that can be used by the members for image processing, both traditional silver halide and electronic
- Maintain a world class astronomy conference
- Establish and maintain an effective communication mechanism that encourages information sharing among the members