Starfest 2018 Local Accommodations
Motel and Bed & Breakfast accommodations are available, within a thirty-minute drive of the River Place, in Mount Forest, Durham, Hanover, Palmerston and Walkerton. Please make your own reservations.
Forest Plaza Motel | 284 Main St. N., Mount Forest, N0G 2L2 | (519) 323-1101 |
Canadiana Motel | 617 10th St., Hanover, N4N 1S1 | (519) 364-1580 |
Travellers Inn | 244 7th Ave. S., Hanover, N4N 2H1 | (519) 364-1911 |
King Hotel | 120 King St., Palmerston, N0G 1P0 | (519) 343-3906 |
Elm Park Motel | R.R. #2, Palmerston, N0G 2P0 | (519) 343-2540 |
Hillside Motel | 15 Maple St., Walkerton, N0G 2V0 | (519) 881-1470 |
Walkerton Inn | 1305 Yonge St.S., Walkerton, N0G 2V0 | (519) 881-0629 |
Lighthouse Motel | 1864 Hwy #9, Walkerton | (519) 881-0202 |
Bed & Breakfast
Silver Creek | 17 Yonge St. S., Walkerton, N0G 2V0 (Box 957) | (519) 881-0252 |
Forest Edge | R.R. #3, Durham N0G 1R0 | (519) 369-5661 |
Backdoor | 240 Garafraxa St., Durham, N0G 1R0 (Box 426) | (519) 369-6507 |
Country Lane | 9792 Creek Rd. (R.R. #3), Clifford, N0G 1M0 | (519) 327-8236 |
Meiklejohn House | 116 Arthur Street East, Harriston, N0G 1Z0 | (519) 338-2671 |
Little Pond | 211572 Baseline Rd. (RR#4) Mt. Forest N0G 2L0 | (519) 323-4458 |
Bevs B&B | 6765 Hwy # 89 (RR #4) Mt. Forest, N0G 2L0 | (519) 323-2097 |
Washer's Eden | 270 Fregus St. N., Mt. Forest, N0G 2L2 | (519) 323-0028 |
Viewfield Inn | 951 Old Durham Rd. (RR #2) Walkerton N0G 2V0 | (519) 881-0879 |
Still Life Retreat | 394591 Concession 2 (RR #1) Durham, NOG 1R0 | (519) 369-3663 |
Dr. James Gunn Inn | 283 Durham Rd. E., Durham, NOG 1R0 (Box 925) | (519) 369-6876 |