2024 Activities
Come join the fun and learn a little about Astronomy! At this year’s Kidfest, kids of all ages will be able to immerse in activities that relate to astronomy. These include colouring, painting, word search, bookmark making, model making, learning about the constellations, the solar system, and other celestial objects.
Imaging Competition
The Starfest Imaging Competition is open to all registrants of Starfest. Images are to be submitted well in advance of the Star party for judging. All images will be judged and shown during Saturday night’s program, and prizes will be awarded to the top ranking images. Please see the Imaging Contest tab for rules and deadlines. To contact the Chairman click .
We encourage all registrants to apply, as this is a friendly competition to recognize talent in our midst. As long as the theme is astronomy, you can use any kind of digital equipment - cell phone, point and shoot camera, DSLR, CCD, Malincam, Stellacam, webcam, spycam, GoPro etc ...
Remember to sit near the front during the show .... your name might be called!
Observing Sessions
Enjoy stargazing under amazing skies with your fellow astronomy enthusiasts. Bring your telescope and binoculars and join us for our evening observing sessions. Don’t have your own telescope? Come along and look through some of ours. We are always happy to share.
Door Prizes
On Saturday night at 9:00 p.m. the door prize draw will be held in the Main Tent. Thousands of dollars of astronomical merchandise, provided by the astronomical retailers and manufactures participating in Starfest, will be given away. You must claim your prize at the time your name is drawn. If you are not present when your name is drawn, another name will be drawn until the prize is given away. Your name is automatically entered into the draw if you paid a registration fee as follows: One draw ticket per individual registration, two draw tickets for each family registration, and one draw ticket for each youth registration.

Sky Tour
Join us for a tour of the night sky on both Friday and Saturday at 10 p.m. (weather permitting). The Sky Tour will be conducted in the field just west of the main tent.

Swap Table
Participants will have the opportunity to buy, sell or trade astronomical articles on Saturday, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The swap tables will be located on the basketball court. These tables are not for commercial sales. Individuals will be responsible for their own property at the tables.
Cloudy Night Cinema
If it's cloudy on Friday or Saturday night a movie with an astronomical theme will be shown in the Main Tent for everyone. Bring the popcorn with you and join in on the fun.
Starfest Merchandise
A limited quantity of Starfest T-shirts, sweatshirts, baseball caps, and pins will be available. To avoid disappointment, order your promotional items with your pre-registration.

Get into the Club
Astronomy is a community activity. The North York Astronomical Association is an organized group of amateur astronomers who enjoy observing, astrophotography and many other astronomy related activities. To satisfy the needs and interests of our members the club maintains an observing site and holds monthly meetings and observing sessions. Membership in the NYAA is open to all. Membership: $50 individual, $65 family. In addition, there is a $25 site access fee which allows unlimited access to our observing site at Oak Heights (1 hour east of Toronto).
Starfest Co-ordinates
Longitude: 80° 50′ 27″ W, Latitude: 44° 40′ 280″ N, Elevation: 400 metres.
Starfest 2025
Starfest 2025 will be held Aug 21st to 24th.